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high-yielding crop中文是什么意思

用"high-yielding crop"造句"high-yielding crop"怎么读"high-yielding crop" in a sentence


  • 高产作物


  • Many high-yielding crops have been found to be particularly susceptible to insects and pathogens .
  • High - yield crop clubs are effective in the transfer of myr and bmp technology to small groups of innovative and dedicated farmers
  • Since myr is considered as a part of high - yielding crop production system , it is important to show some general information of high crop production technology related to myr in thailand
    既然最高产量研究( myr )被认为是作物高产生产体系的一部分,就有必要了解与最高产量研究有关的生产技术的一般情况。
  • As thailand ' s economy is based on agriculture , high - yielding crop production systems developed from best management practice or maximum yield research should be one of the possible solutions for providing sufficient agricultural production for a rapidly increasing population ( 56 mil )
  • Until now , governments and development agencies have tried to tackle the problem through large - scale projects : gigantic dams , sprawling irrigation canals and vast new fields of high - yield crops introduced during the green revolution , the famous campaign to increase grain harvests in developing nations
    直到目前为止,一些政府和开发机构处理这项问题的手段,都是采用大规模的工程计画,像是巨型水坝、绵延的灌溉沟渠,以及利用大型农田来种植绿色革命时期所引进的高产量作物(绿色革命是为了使开发中国家的谷物收成增加而兴起的著名运动) 。
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